특허 / 논문
- 번호 제목
- 255 The tumour necrosis factor/TNF receptor superfamily: therapeutic targets in autoimmune diseases.
- 254 4-1BB signaling beyond T cells.
- 253 Role of TNFR-related 2 mediated immune responses in dextran sulfate sodium-induced inflammatory bowel disease.
- 252 Regulation of mouse 4-1BB expression: multiple promoter usages and a splice variant.
- 251 CD137 is required for M cell functional maturation but not lineage commitment.
- 250 Peripheral 4-1BB signaling negatively regulates NK cell development through IFN-gamma.
- 249 Evaluating the cellular targets of anti-4-1BB agonist antibody during immunotherapy of a pre-established tumor in mice.
- 248 CD11c+CD8+ T cells: two-faced adaptive immune regulators.
- 247 CD137 (4-1BB) deficiency reduces atherosclerosis in hyperlipidemic mice.
- 246 The structure of the trimer of human 4-1BB ligand is unique among members of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily.