특허 / 논문
- 번호 제목
- 85 The Pmel 17/silver locus protein. Characterization and investigation of its melanogenic function.
- 84 Functional analysis of T-cell antigen 4-1BB in activated intestinal intra-epithelial T lymphocytes.
- 83 Structural organization of the human tyrosinase gene and sequence analysis and characterization of its promoter region.
- 82 Mapping the bovine albino locus.
- 81 Genomic organization and chromosomal localization of the T-cell antigen 4-1BB.
- 80 4-1BB T-cell antigen binds to mature B cells and macrophages, and costimulates anti-mu-primed splenic B cells.
- 79 Pigmentation genes: the tyrosinase gene family and the pmel 17 gene family.
- 78 Identification of a killer cell-specific regulatory element of the mouse perforin gene: an Ets-binding site-homologous motif that interacts with Ets-r…
- 77 Macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha rapidly modulates its receptors and inhibits the anti-CD3 mAb-mediated proliferation of T lymphocytes.
- 76 Changes in the level of perforin and its transcript during effector and target cell interactions.